Art & Culture

Lands of incomparable natural charm, also rich in high-profile artistic and cultural heritage. True gems to discover (or rediscover) together for an inner capture of their great beauty.


A trip to Varese?

Varese, the water, the pre-Alps and a widespread cultural context: the trip proposal. From the Sacro Monte World Heritage Site to Santa Caterina del Sasso and Angera with guides and artists.
  • Art & Culture
Angera, la Rocca e el terre Borromeo: il medioevo sul Lago Maggiore

San Pietro a Gemonio

This church is one of the points that remain more etched in the memory of the travelers who travel the Varese-Laveno
  • Art & Culture
San Pietro a Gemonio and the Salvini Museum in Cocquio Trevisago

Angera and the Open Air Museum

A beautiful lakefront and a very picturesque aura in the province of Varese
  • Art & Culture
Visit Angera and surroundings: some tips

Church Varese

From the Sacro Monte of Varese to the hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso, a spiritual path made of artistic and landscape beauties
  • Religious Tourism
Church Varese, what to see

The Cloister of Voltorre

The monastic art of the Cloister of Voltorre
  • Art & Culture
The monastic art of The Cloister of Voltorre

Monument Varese

Stately homes, religious buildings, fortifications and UNESCO treasures among the beauties of Varese and its surroundings
  • Art & Culture
Monument Varese, what to see

Museum Varese

Mummies, archaeological finds, design, ancient and contemporary art: museums to suit all tastes!
  • Art & Culture
Museum Varese, what to see?

Casa Museo Lodovico Pogliaghi

Una splendida raccolta di opere d'arte e reperti archeologici in mostra presso la dimora dell'autore della porta del Duomo di Milano
  • Art & Culture
Casa Museo Pogliaghi

Castel Visconti Castelbarco

A Cislago in provincia di Varese
  • Art & Culture
Castel Visconti Castelbarco

Visconteo Castle

In Fagnano Olona a particular medieval castle
  • Art & Culture
Visconteo Castle

Church of the invention of santo stefano

  • Religious Tourism
Church of the Invention of Santo Stefano

Church of San Pietro

Gallarate (VA)
  • Art & Culture
Church of San Pietro

Church of Santa Maria foris portas

  • Unesco Sites
Church of Santa Maria foris portas

Church of Villa

Castiglione Olona (VA)
  • Religious Tourism
Church of Villa

Cloister of S. Antonino

One of the most historic places in the centre of Varese, known for the spring blossoming of azalee.
  • Art & Culture
Chiostro di Sant'Antonino - Varese

Angera municipial archaeological museum

  • Art & Culture
Civico Museo Archeologico di Angera

Civico Museo Parisi Valle

Il museo-ponte che unisce Maccagno Superiore e Maccagno Inferiore
  • Art & Culture
Civico Museo Parisi Valle