- Public transport
• CTPI manages local public transport services in Varese and in the south-eastern zone of the province. The goal of the company is to offer passengers a safe and efficient transport service, increasing the efficience of the structures and decreasing the environmental impact.
• http://www.varesesimuove.it Anything you need to know when getting around in Varese
• In order to get around in Lombardy you may use the service "Io viaggio ovunque in Lombardia", a regional initiative which promotes the use of any public transport means, with the convenience of a single ticket valid for:
• Urban and suburban public transport
• Tram and trolleybus
• Metropolitan
• Interurban and regional trains (also in first class, within the availability of the specific rail fare)
• Malpensa Express Trains (not including journeys to the Malpensa Airport)
• Public cable cars and funicularsTickets "Io viaggio ovunque in Lombardia" are available for buying in any moment, also in advance. They are valid for 1, 2, 3 or 7 consecutive days, strarting from their first validation. On the last day tickets can be used even after 24:00, until the end of the service. Tickets don't need to be accompanied by identification documents, except for the 7-day tickets, which include name and surname of the passenger.
With the convention "Io viaggio in famiglia" children under 14 travel for free when accompanied by a relative.
Tickets are available in any station ticket office, in any automatic ticket machine (SBME) and in the main railway ticket offices of the transport Companies. Details can be found on the Companies' websites under the voice "io viaggio", "tickets" or "multi-journey passes".
INFO: TRENORD - Car sharing
In Varese, the car sharing service is E-vai! They provide two available electric cars to hire.
How to use the service
To use car sharing cars, first register on the service website.
To book the car, call the free number 800.77.44.55 or book it from www.e-vai.com. 20 minutes before using the car you will receive an SMS with the vehicle unlock codes.
To use the car, open it by forwarding (not replying) the SMS received to the number +39 334 6324990.
When you want to return the car, close it and forward the same SMS to the same number, writing CLOSE instead of OPEN.
During the rental period, you can use the car with the key that you will find in the glove compartment.
Remember you can only pay by credit card.
- Bike sharing