CVA 254


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The town of painted houses
  • Paesi dipinti
3.86 km


Between history and art: from Valcuvia man to erratic boulders
  • Art & Culture
4.11 km

Cassano Valcuvia

An area immersed in nature and history
  • Active & Green
Cassano Valcuvia
6.04 km

Sasso del Ferro, breathtaking view

  • Active & Green
Sasso del Ferro, breathtaking view
6.65 km

The Luino lakeside park

  • Parks
The Luino lakeside park
6.94 km


  • Rivers
7.06 km

Lake Maggiore villages

  • Rivers
Lake Maggiore villages
7.06 km

Palazzo Verbania

  • Art & Culture
7.21 km

Church of the invention of santo stefano

  • Religious Tourism
Church of the Invention of Santo Stefano
8.03 km

Salvini museum

Innocenzo Salvini art gallery in Cocquio Trevisago
  • Art & Culture
Salvini museum
8.06 km

Necropoli di Caravate

  • Art & Culture
Necropoli di Caravate
8.19 km

Belvedere Path

Luino: from the highlands of Lake Maggiore, passing through Colmegna, to Maccagno
  • Mountains
Belvedere Path
8.43 km

International museum of ceramic design

  • Art & Culture
International Museum of Ceramic Design
9.09 km

Ghirla Hammer

  • Art & Culture
Ghirla Hammer
10.32 km

The Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso

  • Art & Culture
The Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso
10.59 km

Village of Maccagno

From the lake to the mountains, from modern to ancient, the village is a mosaic of suggestive views
  • Villages
Village of Maccagno
10.72 km

Civico Museo Parisi Valle

  • Art & Culture
Civico Museo Parisi Valle
10.85 km

From Varese to Campo dei Fiori

Segregated bike lanes, fishing villages and historic parks. On the roads of a memorable edition of the Road World Cycling Championships
  • Cycle Tourism
The Basilica of San Vittore in Varese
10.9 km

Path of the sun and path of the moon

  • Active & Green
Path of the sun and path of the moon
11.59 km

Badia di Ganna

  • Religious Tourism
Badia di Ganna
11.62 km